Remember back when ride-on cars for kids first got popular? They were so simple back then. Of course, nothing ever stays that way. As the popularity of something increases, so does the number of innovations it sees, which certainly isn’t a bad thing. The number of features that kids’ toys offer these days is staggering, which is why we decided to group them all together in this list of popular trends with electric ride-on model cars.
Branded Cars
This one isn’t necessarily new, but it’s much more common these days. A majority of ride-ons on the market get modeled after real-life cars. Lamborghini, Mercedes, Jeep, and Land Rover are just a few of the big names that you see on these toys. If you can think of it, there’s probably a ride-on based on it.
RGB Lighting
Just like everything else, ride-ons are only made better with RGB lighting. Having working headlights just wasn’t enough—we had to take it a step further to give kids some of the coolest-looking electric cars ever made. Nothing is more fun than riding around at night with a green glow coming out of the bottom of your toy car.
Bluetooth Speakers
In order to make these toys seem more like real cars, manufacturers decided that having a Bluetooth speaker built-in to it was the logical next step. Not only can kids listen to their favorite tunes while cruising around, but parents can also hijack the speakers to play some music that they enjoy listening to while watching their child drive around.
Touch Screens
As the trend of making these toy cars more realistic continues, a few companies, including ours, have started making ride-on cars with touch screens built into them. We have quite the selection of them ourselves that kids have really taken a liking to. What’s not to like about having a fully-functional tablet in the dashboard of your car? That’s a feature many real cars don’t even have yet.
Two-Wheeled Ride-Ons
If we can make ride-on cars, why can’t we make ride-on motorcycles, too? These have also gotten quite popular in recent years simply due to the novelty of the idea. They’re still just as safe as the four-wheeled models due to the fact that they go the same speed and come with attachable training wheels. There’s no reason why a kid wouldn’t want to try one out.
Parental Remotes
Probably the most popular trend with electric ride-on models is the addition of a remote control for the toy car. When kids are driving around and having a good time, they sometimes don’t realize when they’re about to drive into danger. From where their parents are sitting on the porch, it’s nearly impossible to get to them in time to stop them. That’s why these controllers have become a must. With the press of a button, you can keep your child from accidentally riding into traffic.