Let’s face it; there is a lot of dangerous stuff outside. From busy roads to scary people, there are plenty of reasons to keep your kiddos safely indoors. However, we know that this just isn’t good for them. Fresh air and outside play time are intrinsic to a child’s development.
The good news is that there are some strategies you can employ to keep your kids safe while playing outdoors. Here are a few of the best.
Set Boundaries
Setting firm physical boundaries with your child is one of the best ways to ensure they play in a safe area. If you have a fenced-in backyard, a good boundary might be not venturing beyond the fence line.
Another essential physical boundary is never walking into the street alone. Balls can sometimes roll into the road, and your child must know the appropriate action to take in that situation—asking a trusted adult for help.
In other environments, such as parks, set temporary boundaries using landmarks. For example, “play between that tree and the sidewalk.” This ensures that your child won’t wander outside your sight line while playing in a new environment.
Stranger Danger
Many kids are oblivious to the danger malicious adults pose to them; generally, we like to keep it that way. However, this innocence can cause your child to put themselves in harm’s way simply due to ignorance.
It is one thing to warn your child of scary men in vans, but really, your little one shouldn’t be speaking to any strangers unless strictly necessary. Be sure to warn your child away from any friendly individuals who are coaxing them to go somewhere with them, even if they seem to need help.
Safety Rules
These will vary from family to family, but it is crucial to set general safety rules that work for you and your child. For example, your child should always wear a helmet when riding their bike. If they have one of our Elegant Electronix ride-on cars with a touch screen, consider making a rule that they cannot use the screen while driving the car, only while stopped. Only you can decide what ground rules are essential for your child to know.
Keeping your kids safe outdoors requires proactive instruction and learning. With these methods and vigilance on your part, your child will be as safe as possible outside.