Have your children been begging you to buy them an electric ride-on car? Maybe it’s time to look into the benefits these magnificent toys offer. They provide more for your kids than fun; they can help spark creativity and promote motor skills. We’re going to take a closer look at how a kids’ electric ride-on helps teach responsibility, and more!
How They Help With Responsibility
When your kid is the “owner” of an electric ride-on, it’s their responsibility to care for the vehicle and ensure that they’re respecting the boundaries you’ve put in place to where they can ride. It’s an investment gift that your child will need to care for properly. Put a few rules in place to ensure your child uses it correctly, such as:
- They need to charge it after each use.
- Your kid should put the car back where it goes after they’re done riding.
- When the vehicle is dirty, they need to properly clean it with the help of an adult if needed.
- Set boundaries to where they can ride, and the child must adhere to these areas.
- They have to respect the ride-on vehicle by treating it kindly and using it correctly.
Set up these rules before your kid’s first ride to ensure they understand them fully.
Other Benefits Ride-Ons Bring
We want our children to grow up healthy and happy, and play is an integral part of growing up. It nurtures children’s imagination and strengthens them in more ways than one. One of the most valuable toys for helping aid your child’s development is the electric ride-on vehicle. Let’s discover other benefits an electric ride-on car brings.
Promote Motor Skill
Fine and gross motor skills are critical abilities your child needs to acquire during the early stages of childhood development. When your child plays with and interacts with ride-on cars, they learn to hold and maneuver a steering wheel and learn how to step on a peddle.
Depending on which ride-on you purchase, there are also buttons and switches your child will use to generate separate functions and doors that open and close. Your kid will develop better motor skills by learning how to push buttons and open doors. They’ll begin to understand how their feet, legs, arms, and hands will prompt the car in specific ways.
Build Their Confidence
As their parent, you’re the go-to coach for your children as they grow. You’re there to support them and show them what to do. They observe you as a cheerleader showing them when to keep going and when to stop or slow down.
While they’re learning how to drive the ride-on, watch your child’s confidence grow as they handle bumps and make successful turns. You’ll watch them go further distances, which will boost their self-esteem. Your child will begin to understand that they can handle challenging situations if they continue to try.
Stimulate Physical Activity
When you think of electric ride-on cars, physical activity might not be the first thing to come to mind, but your small child is developing their arm muscles as they turn the wheel and press the peddle. Your kid won’t even realize they’re doing it, which is perfectly fine.
For adults, it takes more than turning the steering wheel to work our muscles. You have to remember that all physical activity is new for your child.
Stimulate Creativity and Imagination
Most parents know that children are incredibly imaginative and creative. These two qualities help develop critical thinking and problem-solving as they grow. Watch your child pretend to drive to their grandparent’s house or the grocery store. Perhaps they’ll make their way to the park for a scenic journey. Make a “ship” out of cardboard to add to the car’s sides for a pirate adventure.
You can even incorporate the electric ride-on car into their Halloween costume. Turn it into the Jurassic Park Jeep for Dr. Alan Grant to drive, or a swimming turtle for a deep-sea diver to ride on.
Establishe the Importance of Following Directions
As your child becomes more comfortable using the ride-on, it’s your responsibility to show them how to operate the toy properly. Teach them directions, so when you tell them to “turn left,” they understand which way to turn. Ensure they know the importance of stopping when you ask them to, as it will help prevent injuries and accidents.
You can take it a step further by teaching them about the significance of traffic lights and police officers. Pretend you’re the officer and catch them not obeying the law. Discuss the importance of following the rules to stay safe while they’re out playing.
Boost Spatial Intelligence
When your child plays with their ride-on in the park or backyard, they will most likely encounter things from a different perspective than when they’re walking around. It will help develop a curiosity about the environment that will aid your child’s critical thinking as they age.
Show them how to be aware of bumps and cracks that could result in a crash, them losing control, or a broken ride-on car. Help them discover things to make the area less bumpy.
Foster Social and Emotional Progress
Exposing your kids to a situation when they need to share or take on a new role fosters their emotional and social skills. They can live out their dreams and pretend to be who they are in the moment, which makes them excited and happy. Kids will engage better with other children when they’re in a postive mood, and your child is more likely to pass on that happiness, too.
As you’ve discovered, your kids’ electric ride-on helps teach responsibility, and much more! Making the investment in these delightful toys will foster years of imagination and creativity and show your child the importance of accountability and following directions.
Elegant Electronix has a variety of ride-on vehicles available for you to choose from. Go for one of our two-seater ride-on cars with a remote if you have more than one child. Feel free to browse around our website to find the perfect electric ride-on vehicle for your children!