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Tips for Cleaning Your Child’s Electric Ride on Car

Electric ride-on toy cars are trendy children’s toys that give your child a real sense of driving their very own car. These toys make your kid’s dreams come true by allowing them to feel grown-up while riding in style.

By helping your child take care of their electric toy vehicle, you can introduce real-life responsibilities to help maintain their belongings. Here are a few easy tips for cleaning your child’s electric ride-on car to keep their new ride in pristine condition.

Read the Manual To Know the Dos & Don’ts

Before allowing your child to drive their new ride, you need to read and fully understand how the car works. Read the instruction manual for operating it, the dos and don’ts, and what cleaning products you can use on it. Once you’ve read the manual, you will know the key steps to take when cleaning the car.

Store the Car Appropriately

Toy cards need protection from damaging elements like water from the sprinkler or the weather. Store your child’s ride-on vehicle properly to keep it clean and in good condition. Keep the car in the garage or a spare room where you can store outdoor items.

Clean the Tires To Prevent Damages

The wheels on your child’s electric ride-on car endure the most damage over time from driving over rough surfaces. Clean the rims of the tires with a clean cloth to wipe away any dirt, dried mud, or soil. 

If your kid is a daredevil and enjoys driving over rough terrains, invest in an electric car suitable for those surfaces to prevent premature damage.

However, if your child likes to coast, look into purchasing a more high-end ride-on toy that’s made for riding in style.

Wash the Body of the Car To Avoid Paint Damage

Once a week, after your child is done playing with their car, you and your child should take the time to clean the ride-on car. Wipe the car with a damp cloth to remove dirt before beginning a deeper clean. Avoid placing stickers on the ride-on to prevent damaging the car’s paint. 

Clean your child’s ride-on as if you’re cleaning your car! Use a clean cloth and warm soapy water to clean the ride-on thoroughly. Make sure to wipe down all surfaces and sticky spots. Use a disinfectant wipe to wipe down the wheel and seats and allow the car to air dry in the sun.

Turn a regular car wash Saturday into a fun water day! Wash your vehicle and allow your child to wash theirs right next to yours. Use our tips for cleaning your child’s electric ride-on car to keep their ride in mint condition.

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