Electric vehicles offer excellent benefits for kids, including gaining independence and helping their fine motor skills. The one thing to remember is that these are machines, and they have a risk of injury. These are four safety checks for your child’s electric motorcycle.
Wear a Helmet
Helmets are one of the most vital safety features for your child. Wearing a helmet reduces the risk of head injury by almost 70 percent. Have a rule in place that your kid must be wearing a helmet anytime they’re riding their electric motorcycle.
You never know when an accident may occur. You can help prevent an injury during an accident by ensuring your child is wearing their helmet. The faster speeds your child’s electric motorcycle reaches, the more essential the helmet is to wear.
Have on Secure Footwear
Your child should never ride an electric motorcycle without proper footwear. Flip flops and other footwear that you can’t secure to their feet shouldn’t be worn while operating the electric motorcycle. If their shoes have laces, ensure they’re tied tightly.
Ensure their feet are completely covered to prevent burns and other injuries. Have a few sets of shoes that your kids know are safe to wear while riding their bikes.
Check the Motorcycle Over Before Riding
Issues could arise on the electric motorcycle between ridings. Perhaps something happened during the last ride that went unnoticed, and your kid put the bike away. Do a quick check of the bike before letting your kid ride off into the yard or track.
If your kid is capable, show them what to look for so they can check the motorcycle themselves. It’s also essential to have a repair kit on the ready in case maintenance is needed.
Protective Clothing Is a Must
Of course, as a parent, ensuring your child’s safety is a must. The correct safety gear will determine if someone walks away from an accident with little to no injuries—or something more severe. Along with the helmet, fuller coverage clothing can help prevent scratches, burns, and other wounds. Have them wear pants instead of shorts.
Also, consider elbow and knee pads. Your kids may think you’re crazy, but it never hurts to be extra cautious.
If you’re looking for a new electric motorbike for your child, check out what we at Elegant Electronix have to offer. We have Ducati motorcycles for kids, and more! Refer to this safety check for your child’s electric motorcycle for a reference. It’s one way to help keep your kids safe while they enjoy the ride.