If your kids are proud new owners of a go-kart, you’re probably searching for safety advice to keep in mind for them. You want your children to have fun but also stay safe. These rules won’t interfere with a good time, but you must ensure they follow them.
Require Helmets
Whoever is driving or riding in the go-kart should always wear a helmet. There are no exceptions! This rule is necessary whenever your child or a friend is playing with the vehicle.
Set a good example by wearing one when you operate the go-kart yourself. Don’t let the children fall into the temptation of taking it out for a quick spin without one. Wearing a helmet will become a habit the more your kids do it.
Tight-Fitting Clothing Only
This advice may sound silly, but any garment that is loose and flapping in the breeze could get caught in the mechanism of the go-kart. Clothing should fit snugly, pants should reach the ankle, and shirts should have sleeves. These are safety precautions in case an accident happens. Pants and long-sleeved clothing will help protect the kids from scrapes, bruises, and burns.
Watch Your Speed
Do you have a daredevil child who wants to see how fast they can push the go-kart? It’s typical for kids to see how brave they are, but it’s best to put a rule in place about how fast they’re allowed to go.
They may complain, but better safe than sorry. Chances of accidents decrease the slower your child goes because they can remain in control. There’s no shame in slow and steady.
Pro tip: If your child is begging to go faster, look into lessons to help them gain confidence at faster speeds.
Must Wear Safety Harnesses
A few safety harnesses are available with ride-on cars for older kids. You’ll find the typical three-point harness safety system: the shoulder and lap belt. The other is the five-point harness: the harness buckles like a star near the belly button.
Your child should buckle themselves in each time they operate the go-kart. The safety harness will keep them safe in case of an accident.
Keep in mind all of this safety advice if your child has a go-kart. It may seem like a chore, but having safety on your side is best because accidents happen. These safety precautions help provide you with peace of mind.